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Caltech-UCSD Birds 200 Dataset


Caltech-UCSD Birds 200 (CUB-200) is an image dataset with photos of 200 bird species (mostly North American). For detailed information about the dataset, please see the technical report 1 linked below.

  • Number of categories: 200

  • Number of images: 6,033

  • Annotations: Bounding Box, Rough Segmentation, Attributes

Annotations Examples



A Colab notebook will be added

How to load this dataset

# Imports
from icevision.all import *
import icedata

# Load the Birds dataset
path = icedata.birds.load_data()

How to parse this dataset

# Get the class_map, a utility that maps from number IDs to classs names
class_map = icedata.birds.class_map()

# Randomly split our data into train/valid
data_splitter = RandomSplitter([0.8, 0.2])

# Birds parser: provided out-of-the-box
parser = icedata.birds.parser(data_dir=path, class_map=class_map)
train_records, valid_records = parser.parse(data_splitter)

# shows images with corresponding labels and boxes
show_records(train_records[:6], ncols=3, class_map=class_map, show=True)

How to load the pretrained weights of this dataset

class_map = icedata.birds.class_map()
model = icedata.birds.trained_models.faster_rcnn_resnet50_fpn()

Dataset folders

For more information about the dataset, visit the project website

Directory Information

  • images/ The images organized in subdirectories based on species.

  • annotations-mat/ Bounding box and rough segmentation annotations. Organized as the images.

  • attributes/ Attribute data from MTurk workers.

  • attributes-yaml/ Contains the same attribute data as in 'attributes/' but stored for each file as a yaml file with the same name as the image file.

  • lists/ classes.txt : list of categories (species)

    files.txt : list of all image files (including subdirectories)

    train.txt : list of all images used for training

    test.txt : list of all images used for testing

    splits.mat : training/testing splits in MATLAB .mat format

Annotations sample

It uses MATLAB files. Check out the birds AnnotationParser, BirdMaskFile classes.


Please check out here

Relevant Publications

  1. Caltech-UCSD Birds 200

    Welinder P., Branson S., Mita T., Wah C., Schroff F., Belongie S., Perona, P.

    California Institute of Technology. CNS-TR-2010-001. 2010