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Custom Parser

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Custom Parser - Single Object Type

The Dataset

This tutorial uses the Global Wheat Detection dataset which can be downloaded from Kaggle.

The aim is to detect a single object class: the wheat head.

Installation and Imports

from icevision.all import *

Uploading the Data from Kaggle

You will need your personal Kaggle API token (kaggle.json). If you don't have one yet, go to your Kaggle account. Once inside your Account, under the 'API' portion, click on 'Create New API Token'.

from google.colab import files
# kaggle.json

Upload widget is only available when the cell has been executed in the current browser session. Please rerun this cell to enable.

! mkdir -p ~/.kaggle/
! cp /kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/
! chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
! pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --no-deps kaggle

! kaggle competitions download -c global-wheat-detection
! unzip /content/ -d /content/global-wheat-detection > /dev/null

Saving kaggle.json to kaggle (1).json

{'kaggle.json': b'{"username":"marialrodriguez","key":"e3f17a764b333ed8cc29ecaf8d2b6b4e"}'}

'=5.1'    global-wheat-detection   kaggle.json
 gdrive  'kaggle (1).json'   sample_data

Change Directories to allow a more direct route

%cd global-wheat-detection
!ls  # pwd, folders
'=5.1'                kaggle.json         train
 checkpoints              models              train.csv   sample_submission.csv         test

Quick Exploration of the compiled annotations in the CSV file

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
image_id width height bbox source
147790 5e0747034 1024 1024 [134.0, 228.0, 141.0, 71.0] arvalis_2
147791 5e0747034 1024 1024 [430.0, 13.0, 184.0, 79.0] arvalis_2
147792 5e0747034 1024 1024 [875.0, 740.0, 94.0, 61.0] arvalis_2


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 147793 entries, 0 to 147792
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count   Dtype 
---  ------    --------------   ----- 
 0   image_id  147793 non-null  object
 1   width     147793 non-null  int64 
 2   height    147793 non-null  int64 
 3   bbox      147793 non-null  object
 4   source    147793 non-null  object
dtypes: int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 5.6+ MB


  • The dataset has 147,793 entries from 3,373 images.

  • An image may contain more than one object.

  • The filename 'image_id' does not have a '.jpg' extension yet, and will need to be addressed during parsing to correspond with the name for each image in the train folder.

  • The image size is given in 'width' and 'height'.

  • The bounding box coordinates are given in 'bbox' and is formatted as [xmin, ymin, box width, box height].

  • The 'source' likely pertains to instution source for the image, which is not relevant for this study.

Establishing Paths


# 3,422 images
data_dir = Path('/content/global-wheat-detection')
class_map = ClassMap(['wheat'])

(#10) [Path('=5.1'),Path('checkpoints'),Path(''),Path('train.csv'),Path('train'),Path(''),Path('sample_submission.csv'),Path('models'),Path('kaggle.json'),Path('test')]

(#3422) [Path('train/cbbc58a4c.jpg'),Path('train/c2d23766d.jpg'),Path('train/a93b2e119.jpg'),Path('train/d9a2181ed.jpg'),Path('train/b2fbd25ac.jpg'),Path('train/900d273d2.jpg'),Path('train/77222a135.jpg'),Path('train/f7d780303.jpg'),Path('train/5a9a55ae5.jpg'),Path('train/19f4faf0f.jpg')...]

<ClassMap: {'background': 0, 'wheat': 1}>


The template will help formulate the custom parser.

template_record = ObjectDetectionRecord()


class WheatHeadParser(Parser):
    def __init__(self, template_record, data_dir):

        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.df = pd.read_csv(data_dir/'train.csv')
        self.class_map = ClassMap(['wheat'])

    def __iter__(self) -> Any:
        for o in self.df.itertuples():
            yield o

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.df)

    def record_id(self, o) -> Hashable:
        return o.image_id 

    def parse_fields(self, o, record, is_new):
        if is_new:
            filepath = self.data_dir / 'train' / f'{o.image_id}.jpg' 
            record.set_img_size(ImgSize(width = o.width, height = o.height))

        record.detection.add_bboxes([BBox.from_xywh(*np.fromstring(o.bbox[1:-1], sep=","))])
parser = WheatHeadParser(template_record, data_dir)

train_records, valid_records = parser.parse()
show_record(train_records[0], figsize = (10,10), display_label=False )

class MyParser(Parser):
    def __init__(self, template_record):
    def __iter__(self) -> Any:
    def __len__(self) -> int:
    def record_id(self, o: Any) -> Hashable:
    def parse_fields(self, o: Any, record: BaseRecord, is_new: bool):
        record.set_filepath(<Union[str, Path]>)

  0%|          | 0/147793 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

INFO     - Autofixing records | icevision.parsers.parser:parse:122

  0%|          | 0/3373 [00:00<?, ?it/s]


show_records(train_records[1:4], ncols=3,display_label=False)
    - Filepath: /content/global-wheat-detection/train/46630486d.jpg
    - Img: None
    - Image size ImgSize(width=1024, height=1024)
    - Record ID: 46630486d
    - Class Map: <ClassMap: {'background': 0, 'wheat': 1}>
    - Labels: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    - BBoxes: [<BBox (xmin:955.0, ymin:380.0, xmax:1019.0, ymax:490.0)>, <BBox (xmin:477.0, ymin:532.0, xmax:537.0, ymax:628.0)>, <BBox (xmin:826.0, ymin:950.0, xmax:920.0, ymax:1021.0)>, <BBox (xmin:819.0, ymin:200.0, xmax:908.0, ymax:285.0)>, <BBox (xmin:634.0, ymin:578.0, xmax:750.0, ymax:629.0)>, <BBox (xmin:595.0, ymin:394.0, xmax:671.0, ymax:480.0)>, <BBox (xmin:805.0, ymin:471.0, xmax:866.0, ymax:537.0)>, <BBox (xmin:84.0, ymin:498.0, xmax:116.0, ymax:592.0)>, <BBox (xmin:630.0, ymin:801.0, xmax:719.0, ymax:875.0)>, <BBox (xmin:165.0, ymin:133.0, xmax:226.0, ymax:199.0)>, <BBox (xmin:658.0, ymin:64.0, xmax:690.0, ymax:158.0)>, <BBox (xmin:346.0, ymin:114.0, xmax:400.0, ymax:187.0)>, <BBox (xmin:488.0, ymin:412.0, xmax:569.0, ymax:496.0)>, <BBox (xmin:519.0, ymin:753.0, xmax:579.0, ymax:856.0)>, <BBox (xmin:992.0, ymin:737.0, xmax:1024.0, ymax:821.0)>, <BBox (xmin:233.0, ymin:576.0, xmax:299.0, ymax:621.0)>, <BBox (xmin:9.0, ymin:311.0, xmax:69.0, ymax:364.0)>, <BBox (xmin:471.0, ymin:786.0, xmax:533.0, ymax:857.0)>, <BBox (xmin:921.0, ymin:536.0, xmax:973.0, ymax:576.0)>, <BBox (xmin:311.0, ymin:182.0, xmax:352.0, ymax:260.0)>, <BBox (xmin:734.0, ymin:746.0, xmax:771.0, ymax:820.0)>, <BBox (xmin:610.0, ymin:233.0, xmax:636.0, ymax:314.0)>, <BBox (xmin:425.0, ymin:546.0, xmax:461.0, ymax:615.0)>, <BBox (xmin:368.0, ymin:510.0, xmax:488.0, ymax:543.0)>, <BBox (xmin:0.0, ymin:686.0, xmax:42.0, ymax:733.0)>, <BBox (xmin:393.0, ymin:435.0, xmax:476.0, ymax:473.0)>, <BBox (xmin:694.0, ymin:289.0, xmax:742.0, ymax:327.0)>, <BBox (xmin:363.0, ymin:268.0, xmax:421.0, ymax:309.0)>, <BBox (xmin:166.0, ymin:770.0, xmax:219.0, ymax:838.0)>, <BBox (xmin:136.0, ymin:616.0, xmax:245.0, ymax:666.0)>, <BBox (xmin:774.0, ymin:533.0, xmax:804.0, ymax:598.0)>, <BBox (xmin:315.0, ymin:836.0, xmax:361.0, ymax:875.0)>, <BBox (xmin:445.0, ymin:902.0, xmax:536.0, ymax:940.0)>, <BBox (xmin:439.0, ymin:111.0, xmax:464.0, ymax:189.0)>, <BBox (xmin:161.2, ymin:235.0, xmax:236.8, ymax:269.4)>, <BBox (xmin:312.0, ymin:432.0, xmax:375.0, ymax:493.0)>, <BBox (xmin:522.0, ymin:972.0, xmax:576.0, ymax:998.0)>, <BBox (xmin:378.0, ymin:477.0, xmax:454.0, ymax:515.0)>, <BBox (xmin:398.0, ymin:122.0, xmax:432.0, ymax:199.0)>, <BBox (xmin:577.0, ymin:794.0, xmax:643.0, ymax:853.0)>, <BBox (xmin:109.0, ymin:570.0, xmax:152.0, ymax:610.0)>, <BBox (xmin:118.0, ymin:458.0, xmax:159.0, ymax:495.0)>, <BBox (xmin:357.0, ymin:290.0, xmax:415.0, ymax:341.0)>, <BBox (xmin:143.0, ymin:301.0, xmax:199.0, ymax:322.0)>, <BBox (xmin:234.0, ymin:122.0, xmax:274.0, ymax:188.0)>, <BBox (xmin:235.0, ymin:274.0, xmax:292.0, ymax:326.0)>, <BBox (xmin:845.0, ymin:996.0, xmax:881.0, ymax:1024.0)>, <BBox (xmin:275.0, ymin:50.0, xmax:322.0, ymax:66.0)>, <BBox (xmin:641.0, ymin:884.0, xmax:699.0, ymax:931.0)>, <BBox (xmin:282.0, ymin:395.0, xmax:330.0, ymax:447.0)>, <BBox (xmin:54.0, ymin:740.0, xmax:91.0, ymax:786.0)>, <BBox (xmin:813.0, ymin:898.0, xmax:851.0, ymax:944.0)>, <BBox (xmin:164.0, ymin:534.0, xmax:195.0, ymax:574.0)>, <BBox (xmin:185.0, ymin:835.0, xmax:239.0, ymax:867.0)>, <BBox (xmin:366.0, ymin:508.0, xmax:415.0, ymax:576.0)>, <BBox (xmin:820.0, ymin:243.0, xmax:864.0, ymax:291.0)>, <BBox (xmin:981.0, ymin:802.0, xmax:1020.0, ymax:864.0)>, <BBox (xmin:491.0, ymin:850.0, xmax:541.0, ymax:903.0)>]


show_records(train_records[5:7], display_label=False)



presize = 512
image_size = 384

train_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter([*tfms.A.aug_tfms(size=image_size, presize=presize), tfms.A.Normalize()])
valid_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter([*tfms.A.resize_and_pad(size=image_size), tfms.A.Normalize()])

Train and Validation Dataset Objects

train_ds = Dataset(train_records, train_tfms)
valid_ds = Dataset(valid_records, valid_tfms)
samples = [train_ds[1] for _ in range(3)]
show_samples(samples, ncols=3, display_label=False)



selection = 0

extra_args = {}

if selection == 0:
  model_type = models.mmdet.retinanet
  backbone = model_type.backbones.resnet50_fpn_1x

elif selection == 1:
  # The Retinanet model is also implemented in the torchvision library
  model_type = models.torchvision.retinanet
  backbone = model_type.backbones.resnet50_fpn

elif selection == 2:
  model_type = models.ross.efficientdet
  backbone = model_type.backbones.tf_lite0
  # The efficientdet model requires an img_size parameter
  extra_args['img_size'] = image_size

elif selection == 3:
  model_type = models.ultralytics.yolov5
  backbone = model_type.backbones.small
  # The yolov5 model requires an img_size parameter
  extra_args['img_size'] = image_size
model = model_type.model(backbone=backbone(pretrained=True), num_classes=len(parser.class_map), **extra_args) 


train_dl = model_type.train_dl(train_ds, batch_size=8, num_workers=2, shuffle=True)
valid_dl = model_type.valid_dl(valid_ds, batch_size=8, num_workers=2, shuffle=False)

model_type.show_batch(first(valid_dl), ncols=2)

Metrics and Learner

metrics = [COCOMetric(metric_type=COCOMetricType.bbox)]

learn = model_type.fastai.learner(dls=[train_dl, valid_dl], model=model, metrics=metrics)

SuggestedLRs(lr_min=0.00043651582673192023, lr_steep=0.04786301031708717)


learn.fine_tune(20, 4e-4, freeze_epochs=1)
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 0.643232 0.609152 0.236787 04:38
        /* Turns off some styling */
        progress {
            /* gets rid of default border in Firefox and Opera. */
            border: none;
            /* Needs to be in here for Safari polyfill so background images work as expected. */
            background-size: auto;
        .progress-bar-interrupted, .progress-bar-interrupted::-webkit-progress-bar {
            background: #F44336;
  <progress value='14' class='' max='20' style='width:300px; height:20px; vertical-align: middle;'></progress>
  70.00% [14/20 1:06:06<28:19]
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 0.539485 0.512883 0.329394 04:51
1 0.524518 0.495535 0.346624 04:47
2 0.502157 0.475722 0.369555 04:49
3 0.490112 0.475499 0.365245 04:48
4 0.479012 0.464658 0.375988 04:45
5 0.471368 0.466564 0.378793 04:45
6 0.465504 0.445768 0.400851 04:43
7 0.456183 0.429268 0.409720 04:41
8 0.444008 0.426961 0.418625 04:39
9 0.430694 0.418965 0.421158 04:35
10 0.431581 0.416741 0.429150 04:40
11 0.423635 0.417259 0.428600 04:45
12 0.418421 0.420164 0.428826 04:37
13 0.402397 0.404999 0.436926 04:34

        /* Turns off some styling */
        progress {
            /* gets rid of default border in Firefox and Opera. */
            border: none;
            /* Needs to be in here for Safari polyfill so background images work as expected. */
            background-size: auto;
        .progress-bar-interrupted, .progress-bar-interrupted::-webkit-progress-bar {
            background: #F44336;
  <progress value='85' class='' max='85' style='width:300px; height:20px; vertical-align: middle;'></progress>
  100.00% [85/85 00:37<00:00 0.4000]
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 0.539485 0.512883 0.329394 04:51
1 0.524518 0.495535 0.346624 04:47
2 0.502157 0.475722 0.369555 04:49
3 0.490112 0.475499 0.365245 04:48
4 0.479012 0.464658 0.375988 04:45
5 0.471368 0.466564 0.378793 04:45
6 0.465504 0.445768 0.400851 04:43
7 0.456183 0.429268 0.409720 04:41
8 0.444008 0.426961 0.418625 04:39
9 0.430694 0.418965 0.421158 04:35
10 0.431581 0.416741 0.429150 04:40
11 0.423635 0.417259 0.428600 04:45
12 0.418421 0.420164 0.428826 04:37
13 0.402397 0.404999 0.436926 04:34
14 0.399981 0.406486 0.440906 04:38
15 0.395512 0.400269 0.442585 04:37
16 0.389025 0.400635 0.440688 04:37
17 0.388219 0.399258 0.444396 04:40
18 0.388210 0.398245 0.444733 04:36
19 0.386009 0.397616 0.445394 04:34
### Visualize Results
model_type.show_results(model, valid_ds) 
![png](images/custom_parser/custom_parser_43_0.png) ### Save the Model
from google.colab import drive
drive.mount('/content/gdrive', force_remount=True)
root_dir = Path('/content/gdrive/My Drive/')
fname_model = 'wheat-mmdet_retinanet.pth', root_dir/'models'/fname_model)
Mounted at /content/gdrive
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