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Getting Started with Instance Segmentation using IceVision


This tutorial walk you through the different steps of training the fridge dataset. the IceVision Framework is an agnostic framework. As an illustration, we will train our model using both the fastai library, and pytorch-lightning libraries.

For more information about how the fridge dataset as well as its corresponding parser check out the pennfudan folder in icedata.

Installing IceVision and IceData

If on Colab run the following cell, else check the installation instructions

Install from pypi...

# IceVision - IceData - MMDetection - YOLO v5 Installation

# Choose your installation target: cuda11 or cuda10 or cpu
!bash cuda11

... or from icevision master

# # Torch - Torchvision - IceVision - IceData - MMDetection - YOLOv5 - EfficientDet Installation
# !wget

# # Choose your installation target: cuda11 or cuda10 or cpu
# !bash cuda11 master
# Restart kernel after installation
import IPython


from icevision.all import *
INFO     - The mmdet config folder already exists. No need to downloaded it. Path : /home/dnth/.icevision/mmdetection_configs/mmdetection_configs-2.16.0/configs | icevision.models.mmdet.download_configs:download_mmdet_configs:17


To create a model, we need to:

  • Choose one of the models supported by IceVision
  • Choose one of the backbones corresponding to a chosen model
  • Determine the number of the object classes: This will be done after parsing a dataset. Check out the Parsing Section

Choose a model and backbone

We use MMDet here. When you want to use the torch vision version the COCOMetric will not be correct at the moment due to a problem in the bounding box conversion.

# Just change the value of selection to try another model

selection = 1

if selection == 0:
    model_type = models.mmdet.mask_rcnn
    backbone = model_type.backbones.resnet50_fpn_1x

if selection == 1:
    model_type = models.mmdet.mask_rcnn
    backbone = model_type.backbones.mask_rcnn_swin_t_p4_w7_fpn_1x_coco

if selection == 2:
    model_type = models.mmdet.yolact
    backbone = model_type.backbones.r101_1x8_coco

Datasets : Pennfudan

Fridge Objects dataset is tiny dataset that contains 134 images of 4 classes: - can, - carton, - milk bottle, - water bottle.

IceVision provides very handy methods such as loading a dataset, parsing annotations, and more.

# Loading Data
data_dir = icedata.pennfudan.load_data()
parser = icedata.pennfudan.parser(data_dir)
# train_ds, valid_ds = icedata.pennfudan.dataset(data_dir)
train_rs, valid_rs = parser.parse()

# Transforms
image_size = 512
train_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter([*tfms.A.aug_tfms(size=image_size, presize=1024), tfms.A.Normalize()])
valid_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter([*tfms.A.resize_and_pad(image_size), tfms.A.Normalize()])
train_ds = Dataset(train_rs, train_tfms)
valid_ds = Dataset(valid_rs, valid_tfms)

  0%|          | 0/170 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

INFO     - Autofixing records | icevision.parsers.parser:parse:122

  0%|          | 0/170 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Displaying the same image with different transforms


Transforms are applied lazily, meaning they are only applied when we grab (get) an item. This means that, if you have augmentation (random) transforms, each time you get the same item from the dataset you will get a slightly different version of it.

samples = [train_ds[0] for _ in range(3)]
show_samples(samples, ncols=3)



# DataLoaders
train_dl = model_type.train_dl(train_ds, batch_size=4, num_workers=4, shuffle=True)
valid_dl = model_type.valid_dl(valid_ds, batch_size=4, num_workers=4, shuffle=False)
infer_dl = model_type.infer_dl(valid_ds, batch_size=8, shuffle=False)
valid_batch = first(valid_dl)
infer_batch = first(infer_dl)
# show batch
model_type.show_batch(first(valid_dl), ncols=4)



Now that we determined the number of classes (num_classes), we can create our model object.

# TODO: Better flow for train_ds
model = model_type.model(backbone=backbone(pretrained=True), num_classes=icedata.pennfudan.NUM_CLASSES) 


metrics = [COCOMetric(metric_type=COCOMetricType.mask)]


IceVision is an agnostic framework meaning it can be plugged to other DL framework such as fastai2, and pytorch-lightning.

You could also plug to oth DL framework using your own custom code.

Training using fastai

learn = model_type.fastai.learner(dls=[train_dl, valid_dl], model=model, metrics=metrics)


learn.fine_tune(5, 3e-4, freeze_epochs=2)
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 1.518704 0.520843 0.610489 00:11
1 0.799316 0.388823 0.689349 00:10
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 0.373752 0.356427 0.690000 00:11
1 0.362768 0.354911 0.721681 00:11
2 0.345709 0.342564 0.722313 00:11
3 0.327585 0.345134 0.733165 00:11
4 0.324897 0.341429 0.732759 00:11

Training using Lightning

class LightModel(model_type.lightning.ModelAdapter):
    def configure_optimizers(self):
        return Adam(self.parameters(), lr=5e-4)

light_model = LightModel(model, metrics=metrics)
trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=5, gpus=1), train_dl, valid_dl)

Show Results

model_type.show_results(model, valid_ds, detection_threshold=.5)



Predicting a batch of images

Instead of predicting a whole list of images at one, we can process small batches at the time: This option is more memory efficient.

NOTE: For a more detailed look at inference check out the inference tutorial

batch, records = first(valid_dl)
infer_dl = model_type.infer_dl(valid_ds, batch_size=4, shuffle=False)
preds = model_type.predict_from_dl(model, infer_dl, keep_images=True)
show_preds(preds=preds[:4], ncols=3)
  0%|          | 0/9 [00:00<?, ?it/s]


Happy Learning!

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