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MMDetection Custom Config

When creating an MMDetection model, the model config object is stored in model.cfg and the pretrained weight file path is stored in model.weights_path. In order to update model config attribute, you need to create an cfg_options dictionary:

Example: Changing loss weights for loss_bbox and loss_cls

You can pass the cfg_options argument when creation a model

model_type = models.mmdet.retinanet
backbone = model_type.backbones.resnet50_fpn_1x
'cfg_options' = { 
  'model.bbox_head.loss_bbox.loss_weight': 2,
  'model.bbox_head.loss_cls.loss_weight': 0.8 }

# Passing cfg_options to the `model()` method to update loss weights
model = model_type.model(backbone=backbone(pretrained=True), num_classes=len(parser.class_map), cfg_options=cfg_options)

Install IceVision and IceData

The following downloads and runs a short shell script. The script installs IceVision, IceData, the MMDetection library, and Yolo v5 as well as the fastai and pytorch lightning engines.

Install from pypi...

# Torch - Torchvision - IceVision - IceData - MMDetection - YOLOv5 - EfficientDet Installation

# Choose your installation target: cuda11 or cuda10 or cpu
!bash cuda11

... or from icevision master

# # Torch - Torchvision - IceVision - IceData - MMDetection - YOLOv5 - EfficientDet Installation
# !wget

# # Choose your installation target: cuda11 or cuda10 or cpu
# !bash cuda11 master
# Restart kernel after installation
import IPython


All of the IceVision components can be easily imported with a single line.

from icevision.all import *

Download and prepare a dataset

Now we can start by downloading the Fridge Objects dataset. This tiny dataset contains 134 images of 4 classes: - can, - carton, - milk bottle, - water bottle.

IceVision provides methods to load a dataset, parse annotation files, and more.

For more information about how the fridge dataset as well as its corresponding parser, check out the fridge folder in icedata.

# Download the dataset
url = ""
dest_dir = "fridge"
data_dir = icedata.load_data(url, dest_dir)

Parse the dataset

# Create the parser
parser = parsers.VOCBBoxParser(annotations_dir=data_dir / "odFridgeObjects/annotations", images_dir=data_dir / "odFridgeObjects/images")
# Parse annotations to create records
train_records, valid_records = parser.parse()

Creating datasets with agumentations and transforms

# Transforms
# size is set to 384 because EfficientDet requires its inputs to be divisible by 128
image_size = 384
train_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter([*tfms.A.aug_tfms(size=image_size, presize=512), tfms.A.Normalize()])
valid_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter([*tfms.A.resize_and_pad(image_size), tfms.A.Normalize()])
# Datasets
train_ds = Dataset(train_records, train_tfms)
valid_ds = Dataset(valid_records, valid_tfms)
# Show an element of the train_ds with augmentation transformations applied
samples = [train_ds[0] for _ in range(3)]
show_samples(samples, ncols=3)


Creating a model

This shows how to customize a retinanet model by using the cfg_options object:

model_type = models.mmdet.retinanet
backbone = model_type.backbones.resnet50_fpn_1x(pretrained=True, cfg_options=cfg_options)
As pretrained models are used by default, we typically leave this out of the backbone creation step.

We've selected a few of the many options below. You can easily pick which option you want to try by setting the value of selection. This shows you how to easily customize your model.

# Just the config options you would like to update

selection = 0

extra_args = {}

# Example: Changing both loss weights: loss_bbox, loss_cls
if selection == 0:
  model_type = models.mmdet.retinanet
  backbone = model_type.backbones.resnet50_fpn_1x
  cfg_options = { 
    'model.bbox_head.loss_bbox.loss_weight': 2,
    'model.bbox_head.loss_cls.loss_weight': 0.8,

# Example: cahnging anchor boxes ratios:
elif selection == 1:
  model_type = models.mmdet.retinanet
  backbone = model_type.backbones.resnet50_fpn_1x
  cfg_options = { 
    'model.bbox_head.anchor_generator.ratios': [1.0] 

{'model.bbox_head.loss_bbox.loss_weight': 2,
 'model.bbox_head.loss_cls.loss_weight': 0.8}

Now it is just a one-liner to instantiate the model. If you want to try another option, just edit the line at the top of the previous cell.

# Instantiate the model and pass the `cfg_options` dictionary
model = model_type.model(backbone=backbone(pretrained=True), num_classes=len(parser.class_map), cfg_options=cfg_options) 
tensor([0.50000, 1.00000, 2.00000])

[0.5, 1.0, 2.0]
# You have access to model's weights_path

# You also have access to the whole config object
# Double checking model new attributes for `loss_cls`
# Double checkingmodel new attributes for `anchor_generator`


{'alpha': 0.25,
 'gamma': 2.0,
 'loss_weight': 0.8,
 'type': 'FocalLoss',
 'use_sigmoid': True}

{'octave_base_scale': 4,
 'ratios': [0.5, 1.0, 2.0],
 'scales_per_octave': 3,
 'strides': [8, 16, 32, 64, 128],
 'type': 'AnchorGenerator'}

Data Loader

The Data Loader is specific to a model_type. The job of the data loader is to get items from a dataset and batch them up in the specific format required by each model. This is why creating the data loaders is separated from creating the datasets.

We can take a look at the first batch of items from the valid_dl. Remember that the valid_tfms only resized (with padding) and normalized records, so different images, for example, are not returned each time. This is important to provide consistent validation during training.

# Data Loaders
train_dl = model_type.train_dl(train_ds, batch_size=8, num_workers=4, shuffle=True)
valid_dl = model_type.valid_dl(valid_ds, batch_size=8, num_workers=4, shuffle=False)


The fastai and pytorch lightning engines collect metrics to track progress during training. IceVision provides metric classes that work across the engines and libraries.

The same metrics can be used for both fastai and pytorch lightning.

metrics = [COCOMetric(metric_type=COCOMetricType.bbox)]


IceVision is an agnostic framework meaning it can be plugged into other DL learning engines such as fastai2, and pytorch-lightning.

Training using fastai

learn = model_type.fastai.learner(dls=[train_dl, valid_dl], model=model, metrics=metrics)

# For Sparse-RCNN, use lower `end_lr`
# learn.lr_find(end_lr=0.005)
SuggestedLRs(lr_min=8.317637839354575e-05, lr_steep=0.00010964782268274575)


learn.fine_tune(20, 1e-4, freeze_epochs=1)
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 1.229304 0.983039 0.092624 00:06
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 0.899269 0.741807 0.156066 00:05
1 0.810302 0.558525 0.365440 00:05
2 0.728987 0.518454 0.478187 00:05
3 0.663082 0.367077 0.609001 00:06
4 0.604693 0.365837 0.717380 00:05
5 0.555109 0.308284 0.837230 00:05
6 0.507140 0.260290 0.871975 00:05
7 0.464969 0.248942 0.881214 00:05
8 0.429737 0.238713 0.864140 00:05
9 0.398711 0.215525 0.916083 00:05
10 0.372950 0.206479 0.911718 00:05
11 0.356441 0.191768 0.909661 00:05
12 0.343991 0.215923 0.911696 00:05
13 0.331874 0.218360 0.887766 00:05
14 0.313435 0.194519 0.908697 00:05
15 0.299692 0.212282 0.900371 00:05
16 0.286332 0.189399 0.916208 00:05
17 0.282384 0.195011 0.911806 00:05
18 0.275653 0.200540 0.904800 00:05
19 0.273256 0.200690 0.904800 00:05

Training using Pytorch Lightning

class LightModel(model_type.lightning.ModelAdapter):
    def configure_optimizers(self):
        return SGD(self.parameters(), lr=1e-4)

light_model = LightModel(model, metrics=metrics)
trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=20, gpus=1), train_dl, valid_dl)

Using the model - inference and showing results

The first step in reviewing the model is to show results from the validation dataset. This is easy to do with the show_results function.

model_type.show_results(model, valid_ds, detection_threshold=.5)



NOTE: For a more detailed look at inference check out the inference tutorial

infer_dl = model_type.infer_dl(valid_ds, batch_size=4, shuffle=False)
preds = model_type.predict_from_dl(model, infer_dl, keep_images=True)


Happy Learning!

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