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How to use negative examples

In some scenarios it might be useful to explicitly show the model images that should be considered background, these are called "negative examples" and are images that do not contain any annotations.

In this tutorial we're going to be training two raccoons detectors and observe how they perform on images of dogs and cats. One of the models will be trained only with images of raccoons, while the other will also have access to images of dogs and cats (the negative examples).

As you might already have imagined, the model that was trained with raccoon images predicts all animals to be raccoons!

Installing IceVision and IceData

If on Colab run the following cell, else check the installation instructions

Install from pypi...

# Torch - Torchvision - IceVision - IceData - MMDetection - YOLOv5 - EfficientDet Installation

# Choose your installation target: cuda11 or cuda10 or cpu
!bash cuda11

... or from icevision master

# # Torch - Torchvision - IceVision - IceData - MMDetection - YOLOv5 - EfficientDet Installation
# !wget

# # Choose your installation target: cuda11 or cuda10 or cpu
# !bash cuda11 master
# Restart kernel after installation
import IPython


from icevision.all import *

Raccoon dataset

The dataset is stored on github, so a simple git clone will do.

!git clone
fatal: destination path 'raccoon_dataset' already exists and is not an empty directory.

The raccoon dataset uses the VOC annotation format, icevision natively supports this format:

raccoon_data_dir = Path('raccoon_dataset')
raccoon_parser = parsers.VOCBBoxParser(annotations_dir=raccoon_data_dir /'annotations', images_dir=raccoon_data_dir /'images')

Let's go ahead and parse our data with the default 80% train, 20% valid, split.

raccoon_train_records, raccoon_valid_records = raccoon_parser.parse()
show_records(random.choices(raccoon_train_records, k=3), ncols=3, class_map=class_map)
  0%|          | 0/200 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

INFO     - Autofixing records | icevision.parsers.parser:parse:122

  0%|          | 0/200 [00:00<?, ?it/s]


Pets dataset

With icedata we can easily download the pets dataset:

pets_data_dir = icedata.pets.load_data() / 'images'

Here we have a twist, instead of using the standard parser (icedata.pets.parser) which would parse all annotations, we will instead create a custom parser that only parsers the images.

Remember the steps for generating a custom parser (check this tutorial for more information).

pets_template_record = ObjectDetectionRecord()
class MyParser(Parser):
    def __init__(self, template_record):
    def __iter__(self) -> Any:
    def __len__(self) -> int:
    def record_id(self, o: Any) -> Hashable:
    def parse_fields(self, o: Any, record: BaseRecord, is_new: bool):
        record.set_filepath(<Union[str, Path]>)

And now we use that to fill the required methods. We don't have to use the .detection methods since we don't want bboxes for these images.

class PetsImageParser(Parser):
    def __init__(self, template_record, data_dir):
        self.image_filepaths = get_image_files(data_dir)

    def __iter__(self) -> Any:
        yield from self.image_filepaths

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.image_filepaths)

    def record_id(self, o) -> Hashable:
        return o.stem

    def parse_fields(self, o, record, is_new):
        if is_new:

Now we're ready to instantiate the parser and parse the data:

pets_parser = PetsImageParser(pets_template_record, pets_data_dir)
pets_train_records, pets_valid_records = pets_parser.parse()
show_records(random.choices(pets_train_records, k=3), ncols=3)
  0%|          | 0/7390 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

INFO     - Autofixing records | icevision.parsers.parser:parse:122

  0%|          | 0/7390 [00:00<?, ?it/s]



Let's define a simple list of transforms, they are the same for both datasets.

presize = 512
size = 384

train_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter([*tfms.A.aug_tfms(size=size, presize=presize), tfms.A.Normalize()])
valid_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter([*tfms.A.resize_and_pad(size=size), tfms.A.Normalize()])

Datasets and DataLoaders

We create the raccoon dataset and dataloader as normal:

model_type = models.ross.efficientdet
batch_size = 8
raccoon_train_ds = Dataset(raccoon_train_records, train_tfms)
raccoon_valid_ds = Dataset(raccoon_valid_records, valid_tfms)

raccoon_train_dl = model_type.train_dl(raccoon_train_ds, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=4, shuffle=True)
raccoon_valid_dl = model_type.valid_dl(raccoon_valid_ds, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=4, shuffle=False)

For adding the pets data, we simply have to combine the list of records. Note that the pets dataset contains a lot more images than the raccoon dataset, so we'll get only 100 images for train and 30 for valid, feel free to change these numbers and explore the results!

combined_train_ds = Dataset(raccoon_train_records + pets_train_records[:100], train_tfms)
combined_valid_ds = Dataset(raccoon_valid_records + pets_valid_records[:30], valid_tfms)

combined_train_dl = model_type.train_dl(combined_train_ds, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=4, shuffle=True)
combined_valid_dl = model_type.valid_dl(combined_valid_ds, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=4, shuffle=False)

Let's take a look at the combined dataset:

show_samples(random.choices(combined_train_ds, k=6), class_map=class_map, ncols=3)



As usual, let's stick with our COCOMetric:

metrics = [COCOMetric(metric_type=COCOMetricType.bbox)]


We're now ready to train a separate model for each dataset and see how the results change!

Raccoons only

backbone = model_type.backbones.tf_lite0
raccoon_model = model_type.model(

raccoon_learn = model_type.fastai.learner(
    dls=[raccoon_train_dl, raccoon_valid_dl], 


raccoon_learn.fine_tune(30, 0.005, freeze_epochs=5)
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 1.597212 1.354181 0.000307 00:05
1 1.480324 1.354777 0.001507 00:04
2 1.319088 1.254850 0.034810 00:04
3 1.087830 1.081156 0.053211 00:04
4 0.928458 0.898133 0.098449 00:04
/home/ppotrykus/anaconda3/envs/icevision-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/effdet/ UserWarning: __floordiv__ is deprecated, and its behavior will change in a future version of pytorch. It currently rounds toward 0 (like the 'trunc' function NOT 'floor'). This results in incorrect rounding for negative values. To keep the current behavior, use torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode='trunc'), or for actual floor division, use torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode='floor').
  indices_all = cls_topk_indices_all // num_classes
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 0.579946 0.861432 0.069980 00:05
1 0.571890 0.824743 0.077679 00:05
2 0.546770 0.768505 0.090791 00:05
3 0.518292 0.676042 0.382004 00:05
4 0.507741 0.644902 0.433709 00:05
5 0.495793 0.692048 0.240042 00:05
6 0.471785 0.577972 0.508806 00:05
7 0.456929 0.624429 0.383962 00:05
8 0.436571 0.644672 0.429864 00:05
9 0.426388 0.581951 0.486592 00:05
10 0.398668 0.562105 0.508463 00:05
11 0.384981 0.508337 0.543620 00:05
12 0.366980 0.497647 0.554876 00:05
13 0.357205 0.494502 0.553882 00:05
14 0.343215 0.491536 0.568322 00:05
15 0.326071 0.490430 0.584215 00:05
16 0.322718 0.501275 0.553775 00:05
17 0.311050 0.486727 0.592019 00:05
18 0.299104 0.476103 0.588887 00:05
19 0.297170 0.500982 0.536913 00:05
20 0.286925 0.482961 0.560512 00:05
21 0.278372 0.486913 0.544892 00:05
22 0.272823 0.497099 0.557630 00:05
23 0.271815 0.485606 0.560342 00:05
24 0.261464 0.475296 0.577226 00:05
25 0.260394 0.479651 0.566950 00:05
26 0.256806 0.477946 0.575284 00:05
27 0.257800 0.480531 0.576717 00:05
28 0.257753 0.484309 0.560253 00:05
29 0.253717 0.482582 0.566893 00:05

If only raccoon photos are showed during training, everything is a raccoon!

model_type.show_results(raccoon_model, combined_valid_ds)


Raccoons + pets

combined_model = model_type.model(

combined_learn = model_type.fastai.learner(
    dls=[combined_train_dl, combined_valid_dl], 
combined_learn.fine_tune(30, 1e-2, freeze_epochs=5)
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 2.676468 20.114677 0.001932 00:07
1 1.999201 2.396560 0.075933 00:06
2 1.456598 32.068226 0.075432 00:06
3 1.105171 27.473427 0.141161 00:06
4 0.951076 24.071144 0.057629 00:06
epoch train_loss valid_loss COCOMetric time
0 0.610488 9.588224 0.115317 00:08
1 0.580771 6.247436 0.336951 00:07
2 0.559531 4.243937 0.357085 00:08
3 0.520752 1.651748 0.401737 00:08
4 0.519708 2.837212 0.371190 00:08
5 0.521373 6.292931 0.328725 00:09
6 0.476777 2.089493 0.456670 00:08
7 0.499804 6.462561 0.316811 00:08
8 0.981566 21.373594 0.285337 00:09
9 0.986519 12.665498 0.379301 00:08
10 0.717527 8.835299 0.468607 00:08
11 0.584880 7.107671 0.488671 00:08
12 0.497443 6.248025 0.465282 00:08
13 0.495668 4.710539 0.476700 00:08
14 0.484720 1.786158 0.453496 00:08
15 0.419404 2.497736 0.438899 00:08
16 0.379092 2.484356 0.502668 00:08
17 0.362614 1.563345 0.490237 00:09
18 0.337136 1.657581 0.538952 00:09
19 0.316169 1.152076 0.509543 00:08
20 0.304117 1.089841 0.521393 00:07
21 0.299743 1.460610 0.500326 00:08
22 0.278153 1.020550 0.489060 00:08
23 0.265477 0.737581 0.546207 00:08
24 0.252644 0.702136 0.494025 00:09
25 0.248898 0.650576 0.548857 00:08
26 0.273597 0.597172 0.544202 00:08
27 0.263164 0.943378 0.550043 00:08
28 0.243946 0.758281 0.553848 00:08
29 0.245725 0.694360 0.548657 00:09

When negative samples are used during training, the model get's way better understading what is not a raccoon.

model_type.show_results(combined_model, combined_valid_ds)


Happy Learning!

That's it folks! If you need any assistance, feel free to join our forum.